Thursday, September 11, 2008

Maybe Baby?

Has it really been six days since my last post??? Time has flown since I was released from the hospital. The days (and nights) are a blur of 2 hours of sleep at a time, pumping, eating, being driven back and forth to the hospital, returning calls when I can, and fitting in poor Jack and Bobby in the remaining available minutes. Notice my sweet husband didn't even make that list...

The Neonatologist calls Seamus an "overachiever". He started bottle feeding on Monday and never looked back. He now only has the most basic monitors, but no more breathing tubes, feeding tubes, or IV.

They moved us to the Special Care Nursery late last night. It is such an amazing facility. Parents can room in (which we both did last night) and get a little more hands on practice with their baby before taking them home. Feeding a premie is scary stuff, but we are starting to feel more confident about it.

Today has turned into a whirlwind of activity. They have started us on the "going home checklist" and they are hoping we will have it all checked off today and BRING OUR BOY HOME TONIGHT!!!!

Of course we are thrilled and terrified at the same time. If I thought life changed when I came home from the hospital, I am sure it is nothing compared to how things will be different when Seamus comes home. One of our biggest challenges will be limiting his exposure as he will be particularly susceptible to respiratory illness and flu/RSV season are just around the corner. We are asking your forgiveness is advance if you find we are being overly protective - we just don't want to take any chances.

Thank you all for your support and prayers - they have clearly worked. Maybe now they can change to prayers of Thanksgiving (followed by a Please Lord, let them be good at this...)

As soon as we have a chance we'll send another update...

1 comment:

Soapchick said...

Yeah, I hope Seamus is home now! I added your blog to my google reader so now I get the updates as soon as you send them out! Yeah!!

Grow Seamus Grow!!!