As I am coming around to feeling like a normal person again, I have been reflecting on the last few weeks and I am so humbled and grateful for the generous support and seemingly limitless offers of help we have been given. It's just so reassuring to feel like we're covered by our community. I know that Seamus's arrival would have been a bigger struggle without your help and that Jack and Bobby have been better off because of the efforts of all of our supporters.
Here is a quick run down of a starter list of people who have already blessed our family with their kindness:
Marlene' Neathery, Kay Wheeler, Nana, Wendy Lucas, Kathy Jensen, Lynn Daniel, Jadi Oliver, and Republic Title- for dinner delivery while I was on bedrest and in the hospital.
Dayna Sisk, Kelly Ramirez, Jennifer Arthur, and Uncle Jack - for picking up kids and bringing them home from school, soccer practice, etc...
Marybeth Bossart, Linda Lomonaco, Uncle Jack, Kathy Jensen, Jadi Oliver, Uncle Mitch, and Aunt Jenn - for coming over and watching Jack and Bobby at our house - allowing them to stay in their own environment and keep things "normal".
St. Mark's MDO - for being flexible and allowing Bobby to stay in the program while we have been in limbo for the last few weeks.
Mitch & Jenn, Rachel Young, Jennifer Arthur, Jack, and Kelly - for meaningful and helpful hospital visits.
Amie Parsons - for dropping a pressure free, handwritten note of encouragement at the NICU.
Grandma and Papa, Movin 107.5, and the Wells Fargo Team - for flower deliveries to the hospital.
Uncle Scott - for monitoring the medical files from all the way in California.
Sherri Baer and the Admin Team at Virginia Cook and Erin Willis at Republic Title- for making sure my closings and my clients were covered during that first week of bedrest.
And of course, my MOM for stepping up daily to take care of my kids, my house, and most of all ME - especially when I hit the wall yesterday.
If I have omitted someone on this initial list - please forgive me. My written thank you list has suffered a little since Tuesday, but I will get back up to speed here soon and I am sure I will be remembering someone...
I know so many more of you volunteered and really want to help, and don't worry - there will still be lots of opportunities over the next few weeks. I'll probably do a post sometime tomorrow with a list of small things we'll need and you can opt in if one of them works for you.
Each of you gets a claim in the healthy arrival of Seamus William Slaughter and we will be forever grateful. Our family will work hard to "pay it back" over the next many years.
From the bottom of our hearts - we thank you.