Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back in the "Slammer"

I have been back in the hospital since Friday when I saw the High Risk Perinatologist and he felt like I needed to get back on 24 hour monitoring. My blood pressure numbers have just been very erratic, from high to low and everything in between, both at home and in the hospital. The good news is that the blood pressure is really the only thing that seems to be going haywire. The other symptoms of pre-eclampsia have not surfaced yet.

Consequently, they started blood pressure meds this morning to see if that could bring things under control. If and when I have the other symptoms like I did with Jack and Bobby, the meds won't help, but for now they feel like it's worth a try. Until we see the impact of the meds everything is kind of up in the air. I could have a baby in a few days; I could go home for bedrest or maybe even, reduced activity in a few days; or I could be here for a few weeks before having a baby. Hopefully we'll know a little more after the holiday weekend, when my primary OB is back in on the conversation.

Thank you all so much for helping my family over the last week. From the meals, to the car pooling, to the childcare, to the prayers - we could not do this without you! You will each have a claim in the safe and healthy arrival of Seamus Slaughter!

We'll continue to keep you posted,